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zmhk 2024-06-03
奥运标志英语怎么说_奥运标志英语怎么说呢       好久不见,今天我想和大家探讨一下关于“奥运标志英语怎么说”的话题。如果你对这个领域还不太熟悉,那么这篇文章就是为你准备的,让我们一起来了







       吉祥物 mascot


       残奥会:the Special Olympic Games

       会歌 The Olympics Theme song

       会徽 Olympic Emblem


       The intention buckles the heart shape, symbolizes the volunteer and the athlete, the Olympics big family and all guest heart Lian Zhuoxin, serves, the offer compassion attentively, for the Olympics movement addition brilliance. waves cheerfully the human form, has unfolded the volunteer, offers for the happy wish spirit. Volunteer's sincere smiling face, the splendid service, the friendly behavior will arouse each Olympic Games participant's mind sympathetic chord. the Beijing in 2008 the Olympic Games volunteer symbolized the design, has utilized China unique traditional culture form - - China calligraphy and painting artistic style, with Beijing Olympic Games conference symbol “Chinese India? Waves Beijing” complements mutually.











       Baron de Coubertin designed the Olympic Flag in 1913-14. It has five interlocking rings (blue, yellow, black, green and red) on a white background. The ring's colours were based on the knowledge that at least one of these colours is on every flag of each participating country. The five interlocking rings represent the union of the five continents and the meeting of the athletes of the world at the Olympic Game.

       The Olympic Flag was used for the first time in the 7th Olympiad in Antwerp, Belgium in 1920. It is paraded during the opening ceremony of each Game. At the end of the Games, the Olympic Flag is presented to the next host city by the Games host city.




       A flame was lit during the entire event of the Olympics during the ancient Olympic Game known as the Olympic Flame.

       A new flame is lit using a parabolic mirror to focus the rays of the Sun at the ancient Olympic Stadium in Olympia, Elis, Greece. The Flame is then transported to the host city where the last runner lights the large Olympic Cauldron by it and this burns throughout the Games. The Flame is extinguished during the closing ceremony. The Olympic Flame was first lit during the opening ceremony of the IX Olympic Games at Amsterdam, Netherlands in 1928.

       The first Olympic Torch Relay occurred at the 1936 Berlin Olympic Games.
