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体育馆英语sports hall_体育馆英语sports

zmhk 2024-06-24
体育馆英语sports hall_体育馆英语sports       今天,我将与大家分享关于体育馆英语sports hall的最新动态,希望我的介绍能为有需要的朋友提供一些参考和建议。1.??????Ӣ??sport
体育馆英语sports hall_体育馆英语sports

       今天,我将与大家分享关于体育馆英语sports hall的最新动态,希望我的介绍能为有需要的朋友提供一些参考和建议。

1.??????Ӣ??sports hall



体育馆英语sports hall_体育馆英语sports

??????Ӣ??sports hall

       给你三篇,你自己选一篇吧一A: Are you crazy about sports?

       B: Certainly, I am a super sports fan.

       A: Which is your favourite sport then?

       B: Almost all the ball games such as basketball, , volleyball, badminton, table tennis,etc. How about you?

       A: I'm too lazy to go out to stretch my arms....

       B: You'd better take up some sports, because sports can give you a perfect build and protect you from getting diseases easily.

       A: Is that so? But sports are tiring sometimes...

       B: Actually it is good for the metabolism...



       B: 当然了,我是超级运动迷。

       A: 那你最喜欢什么运动?





       B: 其实运动对新陈代谢有好处......


       mark:Hi mary ,where are you going ?mary,你要去哪?

       mary:I am going to the gymnasium .我要去体育馆!

       mark:Which sport do you like ? ping-pong badminton or volleyball ?你喜欢什么运动?乒乓球 羽毛球还是排球?

       mary:Oh , no,i lke football very much ! 哦,不我喜欢足球!

       mark:Wonderful , you are girl hero .好棒,你是一个能干的男孩.

       mary:Thanks . Girl football is better than boy football in China !谢谢,中国的女足队要比男足队踢的更加好!

       mark:Yeah , we must be great efforts now . The girl is more and more stronger now .是的,我们必须努力了,女孩现在越来越强大了.

       mary:What about going with me ?和我一去怎么样?

       mark:Oh ,great !好的! 三A: Hey, buddy, the Phoenix Apartment is good, let’s rent it, shall we?

       B: Yeah, I do think so, it is good. It is well-designed, and also is fully furnished. Great!

       A: The rent here is RMB 2000 per month, it will cost each of us RMB 1000 a month, sounds reasonable and acceptable.

       B: Well, ahthough it has one frontage with street, it still quiet for study and sleep. The bus station nearby is very convenient for the transportation to work.

       A: There are two separate bedrooms, we can choose one and can decorate the bedroom in our way.

       B: The living room here is big and confortable, we can entertain our guests in the living room.

       A: We can hang our washing out to get dry on the balcony, the prospect from the balcony is breathtaking too.

       B: Well, if somebody want to smoke, it is better to smoke on the balcony instead of smoking inside, because the second-hand smoke is also bad to others.

       A: You are right, we should make a “NO SMOKING” sign in the living room and force the guests smoke outside if they want to smoke.

       B: How about the cleaning?

       A: Good question, we have to make our room tidy and I think we should cleaning the whole apartment twice a week, OK?

       B: OK. Why do we drawing up a roommate agreement? We can write down all the mentioned details we talked before, and we can observe the rules in the agreements in the future.

       A: Great! Let’s go to rent the apartment now and them done the agreement, let’s go!

       B: Buddy, let’s go.



       A: Are you ready to go shopping?

       B: Just a few minutes. I need to make a list of things that we need.

       A: Good idea. Have you written down potatoes, carrots (胡萝卜),

       and onions (洋葱)?

       B: I don’t have onions on my list. I’ll add them. We should get some tea.

       Is green tea ok or should we get the same tea that we usually get?

       A: Let’s get both. We need some coffee too. Is that on your list?

       B: Yes, it is. Here’s my list. Is there anything that I’ve forgotten?

       A: I think you’ve got everything. I want to got some chocolate and some cheese.

       B: What kind of cheese do you want.

       A: I’m not sure. I’ll decide at the cheese counter, when I can see what they have. Have we got enough money?

       B: We don’t have enough cash, so I’ll take my credit card and we can pay with that. Where are the car keys?

       A: I’ve got them there. Shall I drive?


       A: Do you do a lot of your shopping online?

       B: Not really. I like looking on the internet at what’s available, but I usually prefer to actually see and touch what I’m buying before I pay for it. Sometimes, I’ll look at something in a shop, but later buy it online if it’s cheaper. You don’t like buying things online, do you?

       A: No. I’m a little worried about security. You never know who’s trying to find out your codes and passwords. Aren’t you worry about that?

       B: Not really. I know that it happens, but if you buy from reputable companies with secure websites, you should be ok. Even though I use online shopping facilities, I don’t think it’s the best way to shop.

       A: I’m surprised to hear you say that. I thought you loved anything technological.

       B: I do. I’m a big fan of using new technology, but I don’t want to sit in front of a computer screen all day. I think people need to get out and interact with other people.

       A: So, how about coming to the department store with me? I want to see if there are any new summer clothes on sale yet.

       B: Sure. I’d love to join you. Can we stop by the computer store? I just want to see if they have something.

       A: Sure. While you’re in the computer store. I will visit the book store opposite. I like to browse through their books and see if they have anything interesting.

       B: Ok. I’ve finished online. Let’s go. I’ll just get some money and my credit card.

       A: Thanks for reminding me. I had forgotten to get mine.

       Asking for Directions


       A: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to Holton railway station?

       B: Sure. It’s quite far from here. Don’t worry, though. It’s not difficult to get there.

       A: I think I’m going in the wrong direction, aren’t I ?

       B: Yes. First, you need to turn around. Do you remember passing some traffic lights further up this road?

       A: Yes, I do. They are about two miles away, right?

       B: That’s right. Drive back to the traffic lights and turn right. Follow the road for about a mile, until you see the plaza hotel. It’s a really big hotel. You can’t miss it. Turn left at the hotel.

       A: So, right at the traffic lights two miles up the road, then left at the plaza hotel, a mile along that road. Got it.

       B:Then you just go straight on until you see the station ahead of you.

       A:Ok. Got it. Thanks for your help.

       B: No problem.第三个是关于大学生同居的


       April 6, 1896, was definitely a day to remember. King George I of Greece announced the opening of the first International Olympic Games in Athens. A total of 245 athletes from 14 nations competed in the ancient Panathenaic stadium.

       In this first modern Games, the winner was awarded a silver medal. The second athlete was given a bronze medal while the third athlete received nothing.

       The man who re-introduced the Olympic Games to the modern world was Baron Pierre de Coubertin (1863-1937) of France. He was enthusiastic about the Games because he thought they were similar to the French education system, which combined moral and social education in school games.

       He travelled the world to gather support for his dream to have countries come together in the name of sport. "The important thing in life is not the victory but competing; the main thing is not to have won but to have fought well," he said.

       Coubertin held an international meeting in Paris in 1894 and established the International Olympic Committee. Two years later his ideal — bringing together the youth of the world in a friendly competition - became a reality at the first celebration of the modern Olympic Games.

       From the start of the modern Olympics, male athletes of every race, religion, and nationality have been allowed to participate.

       No women competed in 1896. A few female golfers and tennis players were allowed to take part in the 1900 Games. Female gymnasts and track-and-field athletes first competed at the 1928 Games. Women's Olympic sports have grown hugely since then. Today women make up about half of the total number of competitors.

       This has not been the only change. Figure skating was part of the Summer Games of 1908 and 1920, and ice hockey was played in 1920. They then became part of the Winter Olympics, which was first held in 1924 in France.

       Although founded to help world peace, the modern Olympic Games sometimes become a stage for political arguments. The most controversial Olympics were the Berlin Games of 1936. Under the rule of the Nazis, German Jewish athletes were banned from the German team.

       The Olympic Games were interrupted twice during the First and Second World Wars. The event was not held in 1916, 1940 and 1944.




       法国人巴隆·皮耶尔·德·顾拜旦 (1863-1937)将奥运会重新引入了现代世界。他之所以对奥运会热情很高,是因为他觉得奥运会与法国的学校教育具有相通之处,两者都将道德教育和社会教育融入到运动会之中。









       Time waits for no one. If it flows away, it will never come to us again. We can't take charge of our time but we should know the importance of time and cherish time.


       Yesterday has become the history. Nothing we can do to save it. Tomorrow is not within our reach. We don’t know what will happen tomorrow. So the only thing we can do is to cherish what we have today and fight for tomorrow. Victory only belongs to those who work very hard! Therefore, we should make full use of today, fighting for what we want.


       Most people in China like playing sports, because it’s a good way to keep healthy.


       In big cities, people play many kinds of sports. The old people always get up early to play Talchi or go for a walk. The middle-aged people often dance together in squares in the evening, which has become a tradition. While the young like going swimming in summer and go skating in winter.


       What’s more, there are some other popular sports in China, such as table tennis, football, basketball, volleyball, badminton and so on..What is your favorite sport? Can you tell me?


       I would spend the most of my PE lesson to exercise rather than study in class. There are various activities, such as playing table tennis, playing football and so on. While, I just love running, especially the long-distance running for it exercises my endurance and perseverance.Not only it is beneficial to prevent and cure diseases, but it can alleviate my pressure from study.


       So, every time I have difficulty in my study, I always run on the playground for relax. Then I would feel better and focus on my study again.


       No matter when and where, in no circumstances can we deny the great importance of manners.


       Firstly, a person with good manners is often considered to be more trustworthy and easygoing, which helps him make more friends and get needed help from others. Besides, people are more willing to show their respect to the polite people and cooperate with them, bringing them many opportunities to change. Still most importantly, being polite helps reduce misunderstanding between people, contributing to a harmonious and enjoyable relationships.


       Hello, everybody! I am Alice. I am a student of No.1 Middle School. I study in Class Two Grade Seven.


       There is a map of our school on the wall. The playground is in the middle of the school. On the left of the playground, there is a library. I like reading very much, so I often read books in the library. There is a teaching building behind the library. We study in that building. My classroom is on the second floor in that building. The teachers' offices are in that building, too. Where is the sport hall? Oh, it's on the right of the teaching building. I have P·E class in the sport hall. The canteen is in front of the sport hall. We have lunch and dinner in the canteen. In the school, I feel very happy!


       This is my school. It's a big and nice place. I like my school very much. What about your school?


       For all Chinese, the Spring Festival is the most important day in the year. The celebration for it is very big, so people must do many preparations for it. The two most important things are cleaning and buying. People usually do thorough cleanings to welcome the coming New Year. It stands for a fresh start and people’s good wishes for the next year. Besides, because of the big celebration, we have to prepare many things. Therefore, purchase is essential. We buy foods for the big dinner, snacks and fruits for the holiday. Every family prepares a lot for it, so the market is alive at the end of the year. We can buy everything outside. Cleaning and buying have become traditions.



       给你三篇,你自己选一篇吧一A: Are you crazy about sports?

        B: Certainly, I am a super sports fan.

        A: Which is your favourite sport then?

        B: Almost all the ball games such as basketball, , volleyball, badminton, table tennis,etc. How about you?

        A: I'm too lazy to go out to stretch my arms.

        B: You'd better take up some sports, because sports can give you a perfect build and protect you from getting diseases easily.

        A: Is that so? But sports are tiring sometimes...

        B: Actually it is good for the metabolism...



        B: 当然了,我是超级运动迷.

        A: 那你最喜欢什么运动?





        B: 其实运动对新陈代谢有好处.


        mark:Hi mary ,where are you going ?mary,你要去哪?

        mary:I am going to the gymnasium .我要去体育馆!

        mark:Which sport do you like ? ping-pong badminton or volleyball ?你喜欢什么运动?乒乓球 羽毛球还是排球?

        mary:Oh , no,i lke football very much ! 哦,不我喜欢足球!

        mark:Wonderful , you are girl hero .好棒,你是一个能干的男孩.

        mary:Thanks . Girl football is better than boy football in China !谢谢,中国的女足队要比男足队踢的更加好!

        mark:Yeah , we must be great efforts now . The girl is more and more stronger now .是的,我们必须努力了,女孩现在越来越强大了.

        mary:What about going with me ?和我一去怎么样?

        mark:Oh ,great !好的! 三A: Hey, buddy, the Phoenix Apartment is good, let’s rent it, shall we?

        B: Yeah, I do think so, it is good. It is well-designed, and also is fully furnished. Great!

        A: The rent here is RMB 2000 per month, it will cost each of us RMB 1000 a month, sounds reasonable and acceptable.

        B: Well, ahthough it has one frontage with street, it still quiet for study and sleep. The bus station nearby is very convenient for the transportation to work.

        A: There are two separate bedrooms, we can choose one and can decorate the bedroom in our way.

        B: The living room here is big and confortable, we can entertain our guests in the living room.

        A: We can hang our washing out to get dry on the balcony, the prospect from the balcony is breathtaking too.

        B: Well, if somebody want to smoke, it is better to smoke on the balcony instead of smoking inside, because the second-hand smoke is also bad to others.

        A: You are right, we should make a “NO SMOKING” sign in the living room and force the guests smoke outside if they want to smoke.

        B: How about the cleaning?

        A: Good question, we have to make our room tidy and I think we should cleaning the whole apartment twice a week, OK?

        B: OK. Why do we drawing up a roommate agreement? We can write down all the mentioned details we talked before, and we can observe the rules in the agreements in the future.

        A: Great! Let’s go to rent the apartment now and them done the agreement, let’s go!

        B: Buddy, let’s go.



        A: Are you ready to go shopping?

        B: Just a few minutes. I need to make a list of things that we need.

        A: Good idea. Have you written down potatoes, carrots (胡萝卜),

        and onions (洋葱)?

        B: I don’t have onions on my list. I’ll add them. We should get some tea.

        Is green tea ok or should we get the same tea that we usually get?

        A: Let’s get both. We need some coffee too. Is that on your list?

        B: Yes, it is. Here’s my list. Is there anything that I’ve forgotten?

        A: I think you’ve got everything. I want to got some chocolate and some cheese.

        B: What kind of cheese do you want.

        A: I’m not sure. I’ll decide at the cheese counter, when I can see what they have. Have we got enough money?

        B: We don’t have enough cash, so I’ll take my credit card and we can pay with that. Where are the car keys?

        A: I’ve got them there. Shall I drive?


        A: Do you do a lot of your shopping online?

        B: Not really. I like looking on the internet at what’s available, but I usually prefer to actually see and touch what I’m buying before I pay for it. Sometimes, I’ll look at something in a shop, but later buy it online if it’s cheaper. You don’t like buying things online, do you?

        A: No. I’m a little worried about security. You never know who’s trying to find out your codes and passwords. Aren’t you worry about that?

        B: Not really. I know that it happens, but if you buy from reputable companies with secure websites, you should be ok. Even though I use online shopping facilities, I don’t think it’s the best way to shop.

        A: I’m surprised to hear you say that. I thought you loved anything technological.

        B: I do. I’m a big fan of using new technology, but I don’t want to sit in front of a computer screen all day. I think people need to get out and interact with other people.

        A: So, how about coming to the department store with me? I want to see if there are any new summer clothes on sale yet.

        B: Sure. I’d love to join you. Can we stop by the computer store? I just want to see if they have something.

        A: Sure. While you’re in the computer store. I will visit the book store opposite. I like to browse through their books and see if they have anything interesting.

        B: Ok. I’ve finished online. Let’s go. I’ll just get some money and my credit card.

        A: Thanks for reminding me. I had forgotten to get mine.

        Asking for Directions


        A: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to Holton railway station?

        B: Sure. It’s quite far from here. Don’t worry, though. It’s not difficult to get there.

        A: I think I’m going in the wrong direction, aren’t I ?

        B: Yes. First, you need to turn around. Do you remember passing some traffic lights further up this road?

        A: Yes, I do. They are about two miles away, right?

        B: That’s right. Drive back to the traffic lights and turn right. Follow the road for about a mile, until you see the plaza hotel. It’s a really big hotel. You can’t miss it. Turn left at the hotel.

        A: So, right at the traffic lights two miles up the road, then left at the plaza hotel, a mile along that road. Got it.

        B:Then you just go straight on until you see the station ahead of you.

        A:Ok. Got it. Thanks for your help.

        B: No problem.第三个是关于大学生同居的

       好了,今天关于“体育馆英语sports hall”的话题就讲到这里了。希望大家能够通过我的介绍对“体育馆英语sports hall”有更全面的认识,并且能够在今后的实践中更好地运用所学知识。如果您有任何问题或需要进一步的信息,请随时告诉我。