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zmhk 2024-06-11
足球赛事有哪些名称英语翻译_足球赛事有哪些名称英语翻译成中文       下面,我将用我自己的方式来解释足球赛事有哪些名称英语翻译的问题,希望我的回答能够对大家有所帮助。让我们开始讨论一









       看台: stands

       中场: midfield

       后场: backfield

       中线: halfway line

       边线: touch line

       球门线: goal line

       足球场: field/pitch

       替补席: bench

       点球点: penalty mark

       禁区(罚球区): penalty area


       足球: football/

       球鞋: boots

       球衣: jersey

       球袜: stockings

       护具: pad

       手套: gloves

       球网: net

       红牌: red card

       黄牌: yellow card

       角旗: corner flag

       球门柱: goal post

       裁判哨: whistle


       后卫: back

       前卫: midfielder

       前锋: forward

       中锋: striker

       守门员: goalkeeper

       左(右)后卫: left (right) back

       左(右)前卫: left (right) midfielder



       1、世界杯魔咒world cup curse


       2、足球流氓football hooligan


       3、黄油手butter fingers


       4、“球迷”别称the 12 thman



       World Cup (), two international tournaments, one for men and one for women, each held every four years. Both tournaments are the pinnacle of international competition in the sport.

       The men's World Cup is considered the most popular sporting event in the world and is followed with passionate interest around the globe—the final game of the 1998 tournament was played to a television audience of more than 1 billion viewers. Founded in 1930 with just 13 teams, the tournament now attracts entries from more than 140 countries. The teams must participate in elimination games within their own continents before qualifying to become one of the 32 nations participating in the final tournament.

       The women's World Cup was first played in 1991 and has gained popularity steadily since then. More than 90,000 fans attended the finals of the 1999 tournament—one of the largest crowds ever to witness a women's sporting event. Nearly 75 nations attempted to qualify for the 1999 event, which was a 16-team elimination tournament


       有道翻译:The World Cup. Do you know the World Cup? The World Cup is the highest level in the world of football matches, and the Olympic Games, the world's top three F1 and events. The World Cup is held once every four years. China will appear in tang dynasty "" sports competitions, was called "game called cuju" modern football originated in the United Kingdom, then has swept the world. Because of the rapid development of football, international has emerged. In 1896 Athens Olympic Games, football is classified as official event. In 1930, the first World Cup held in Uruguay, and Uruguay won the first World Cup title. Since then, the first World Cup football for the world of football ushered in a new era. From 1930 to 2006, a total of 18 World Cup was held. In all countries of the World Cup, have to mention Brazil and Italy, they are champions. Italy won the World Cup winner of four times. While Brazil participated in all 18 World Cup winning five titles,. In addition, the German champions, Argentina won three times and Uruguay each 2 times champion, France and England also won 1 times champion. China South Korea in 2002 World Cup scoring, but a strong and without the ball into the World Cup, unfortunately farewell. The next World Cup will be held in South Africa in 2010.

       google翻译:World Cup

       World Cup you know it? World Cup is the world's highest level of football matches, with the Olympics, F1 and that the world's top three events. World Cup every 4 years. Chinese Tang Dynasty on the "football" game of the competition was called "Cuju." Modern football originated in Britain, followed by sweeping the world. Because of the rapid development of the sport, international competition have also emerged. Athens 1896 Olympic Games, the football on as an official event. In 1930, the first World Cup held in Uruguay, and Uruguay won the first World Cup winner. Since then, the first session of the World Cup football for the world to create a new era. From 1930 to 2006 held a total of 18 World Cup. Take part in the World Cup in all countries, have to mention Brazil and Italy, they are a symbol of winner. Italy won a total of 4 times World Cup winner. While Brazil take part in all 18 World Cup, won the Championship 5 times. In addition, 3 times winner Germany, Argentina and Uruguay each 2 times winner, France and England also won their 1st Championship. Into Chinese in 2002 Korea-Japan World Cup 32, but the ball did not enter one, I regret to bid farewell to the World Cup. At the next World Cup will be held in South Africa in 2010.

       金山翻译:World cup

       Do you know world cup?The world cup is the football game of the tallest level in the world, and the Olympic Games, F1 also call in the world top-class three greatest games.The world cup holds every 4 years.The Chinese Tang Dynasty appears the tournament game of "football" and called "Cu Ju" at that time.Modern football originates England and becomes popular world later on.Because football exercises of rapid development, international the game also immediately appear.When Athens Olympic Games held in 1896, football listed as a formal event.In 1930, the first batch world cup holds in Uruguay, and Uruguay acquire first batch world cup champion.From that after, the first batch World Cup Soccer founded a new era for football sports in the world.From 1930-2006 years, totally held 18 world cup.In all nations that take part in world cup, have to mention Brazil and Italy, they are the symbols of champions.Italy totally wins 4 world cup champions.But the Brazil took part in all 18 world cup and won 5 champions.In addition, Germany acquires 3 champions, Argentina and Uruguay each 2 champions, France and England also respectively win a champion.China beats into Han Ri's world cup in 200232 strong, but a ball didn't enter, taking leave of regret world cup.Next world cup is to be held in South Africa in 2010


欧洲足球赛事:国家: 欧洲杯:奥运会后的第二年举行,周期四年,16支参赛球队,31场比赛(欧洲杯资格赛小组赛) 俱乐部: 欧洲冠军联赛(以前叫冠军杯):每年9月至次年5月,32支参赛球队,最多允许4支来自同一国家的球队,125场比赛国际托托杯:联盟杯资格赛欧洲联盟杯:每年9月至次年5月欧洲超级杯:每年8月底在摩纳哥举行,冠军联赛冠军VS联盟杯冠军联赛: 西甲、英超、德甲、法甲、意甲、葡超、土超、荷甲、比甲、俄超苏超、瑞超各国杯赛:德国杯、德国联赛杯英格兰足总杯(世界上最古老的足球赛)、英格兰联赛杯、社区盾杯西班牙国王杯、西班牙超级杯法国杯、法国联赛杯意大利杯、意大利超级杯以前还有欧洲优胜者杯赛,只是现在已经取消了。 欧洲冠军联赛,它是由欧洲每个国家联赛的前几名共同参加的比赛,在五大联赛中一般根据历年的战绩取3到4支球队,而荷兰联赛,葡萄牙联赛取2支,其他得像罗马尼亚,瑞士,挪威等国有一致,不过这些还要和打联赛的3或4名大附加赛,决定谁进入32强。联盟杯的名额是参加冠军杯球队之后排名的球队,大联赛要5到8名,小的2,3名,还有五大联赛的杯赛得主,他的档次显然要低于冠军杯,这些球队比完后,还要把从冠军杯小组赛的第三名吸纳进来,组成32支球队,进行比赛。联赛被主要是一些国家的杯赛,并不是州级赛事,如意大利倍,德国杯,西班牙的国王杯,还有英格兰的足总杯,英格兰还有一个专门的联赛杯,这些得主都可以参加联盟杯。 世界足球赛事: 世界杯---4年1次欧洲杯---4年1次美洲杯---4年1次非洲杯---4年1次 亚洲杯---4年1次世俱杯---1年1次欧洲冠军杯---4年1次联合会杯(洲际国家杯):各大洲杯赛的冠军国家与世界杯的冠军国家一同参加的。加勒比金杯赛奥运会U17世界青年足球锦标赛世界少年足球锦标赛各种足球邀请赛南美解放者杯丰田杯亚洲冠军联赛 1、世界杯 ?世界上最受欢迎的体育赛事。1930年,首届世界杯足球锦标赛在乌拉圭举行,以后每隔4年举办一次。世界杯自1930年到现在已举办了17届,获得过冠军的国家仅为6个。它们是:巴西5次,德国3次,意大利3次乌拉圭2次,阿根廷2次,英国1次、法国1次 2、欧洲国家杯 ?有小世界杯之称,世界最著名的足球赛事之一,该杯赛从1960年开始,每四年举行一次,从第六届开始,即1979改用新赛制,决赛阶段赛集中在某国举行,东道主无须打预赛,直接进入决赛圈。在欧洲有着非常巨大的影响,也是推动欧洲足球运动发展的一个重要赛事。 3、英超、意甲、西甲、德甲、法甲 ?欧洲著名的足球五大联赛、各大联赛内部的足球俱乐部云集世界优秀的足球运动员、教练,组成技术水平较高的球队进行比赛。英超打法讲求整体快速推进,意甲注重攻守平衡,西甲喜欢打进攻足球,而德甲则更喜欢防守为先,法甲比其余四大联赛的技术水平要略低一线。 4、欧冠杯、联盟杯 ?欧洲俱乐部之间的联赛。根据欧洲俱乐部比赛成绩的排名,各国可以派出1-4支球队参加欧洲冠军杯赛;在冠军杯赛中进行两个阶段的分组循环赛,第一阶段各小组的第三名还可以继续参加联盟杯(两大杯赛的具体出线名额,较为复杂,详情可参阅有关资料)。 5、丰田杯 ?丰田杯是由国际足球联盟(FIFA)、欧洲足球联盟(UEFA)、南美足球联盟(CONMEBOL)主办的,由日本足球协会(JFA)组织,丰田汽车公司赞助的足球赛,丰田杯在1981年2月11日举办了第1届、1981年12月13日举办了第2届,以后每年都在东京举办一次。它是欧洲俱乐部冠军联赛的冠军队和南美解放者杯的冠军队进行决赛的世界顶级俱乐部比赛。它虽然是非正式比赛,但被认为是争夺世界俱乐部霸主的决赛。当今世界的足球运动发展迅速,除以上重要赛事外,还有众多的联赛(如荷甲、比甲、瑞甲、芬超、葡超、日本J联赛、美国职业大联盟、中国甲A等等)和众多的杯赛(如美洲杯、南美解放者杯、亚洲杯、非洲杯、奥运锦标赛、世界青年锦标赛、女足世界杯等等。



       欧冠前身是1955/1956赛季创建的欧洲俱乐部冠军杯(European Champion Clubs' Cup)。1992/1993赛季,欧足联对这项杯赛的赛制和名称正式进行了修改,赛事因此改称现在使用的“欧洲冠军联赛”(UEFA Champions League),而旧有的名称“欧洲俱乐部冠军杯”则被套用于现在的冠军奖杯上。算上欧洲冠军杯时代,皇家马德里一共10次夺冠,之后是7次夺冠的AC米兰,5次夺冠的拜仁慕尼黑和利物浦、巴塞罗那,以及4次夺冠的阿贾克斯。

       欧足联欧洲联赛(UEFA Europa League),简称欧联


       其前身为欧洲联盟杯(UEFA Cup),随着赛制的改变,于2009年6月展开的2009/10年赛季改为今名。但必须注意的是,改制后仍继承自1971年以来的各种纪录,不可分开计算。

       英格兰足总杯(The Football Association Challenge Cup),简称足总杯(FA Cup),是由英格兰足球协会命名并主办的一项男子淘汰制足球杯赛。英格兰足总杯是世界上历史最悠久的足球比赛,英格兰各级足球俱乐部进行一对一的淘汰赛,在足总杯的比赛中经常有低级别俱乐部淘汰高级别俱乐部的冷门出现。


       西班牙国王杯(西班牙语:CopadelRey),是西班牙一项每年举办的淘汰制足球赛事。全名为CopadeS.M.ElRey DonJuanCarlosI。赛事最早叫做CopadelAyuntamientodeMadrid,1905至1932年间称为CopadeS.M.ElReyAlfonsoXIII,在西班牙第二共和国期间则称为CopadelPresidentedelaRepública或CopadeEspa?a,在佛朗哥执政期间又改称为CopadeS.E.ElGeneralísimo或CopadelGeneralísimo。赛事开办起因于皇家马德里前主席卡路斯柏度斯(CarlosPadrós)提议举办一项足球赛事以庆祝西班牙国王阿方索十三世登基,而于1902年举行首届比赛。

       意大利杯(Coppa Italia)是由意大利足球总会主办的一项淘汰制足球比赛。该项赛事是意大利国内最高水平的足球杯赛。尤文图斯是历史上夺得冠军次数最多的球队,10次折桂。其次是罗马9次,第三是国际米兰7次夺冠。并列第四是佛罗伦萨和拉齐奥,夺得6次冠军,罗马是晋身决赛最多次数的球队,一共16次晋级决赛。

       德国杯简称DFB-Pokal(Deutscher Fussball Bund Cup),起源于1934年。不但职业球队要参加,业余球队也可参与其中。决赛地点:柏林奥林匹克体育场(1984/85赛季至今都是固定在此地进行,之前地点并不固定)




